But the affirmation made by the CJI is way beyond practicality as the Supreme Court failed miserably to monitor the affairs of the high courts and the high courts failed miserably to monitor the affairs of the subordinate courts. 01. That, when antisocial or the state harasses a citizen then the police, advocate, magistrate, and judges are there to protect the fundamental rights of a citizen. Still, when all are united against the citizen then society is no longer a safe place to live. similarly, almost all the police stations and their officers, the officers of the District Administration, and the judiciary are engaged in illegally collecting money from all possible quarters. 02. That, the police are not doing anything against the advocates, PP, and officers of the court engaged in the collection of illegal money and the court is not taking any action against the police for their illegal acts and omission. Both are acting as agents and protectors for each other for their wrongful gain and innocent people are suffering from the same deceitful means of the corrupt public servants. सर्वोच्च न्यायालय के मुख्य न्यायाधीश का ये कहना की नागरिक अदालतो के दरवाजे खटखटाये पर क्या राहत मिलती है? नागरिक क्यों अदालत जाये , सरकार नागरिक का काम कर कयो नही कर देती ?

A.K.Sharma-Lawyer - Click to Read

11/27/20231 min read

OUR STORY - 27-11-2023


the Supreme court and the high court have not complied with the transparency act like Right to Information Act, 2005 and right to public service act, 2012. as the PIOs of these court are not providing any information to the citizens and the 1st appellate authority is not conducting any hearing of the appeal.